Total Assets: $1,453,568
Total Giving: $60,000
Not Available
The following grants were reported in 2007:
$50,000 to Josephinum High School, Chicago, IL. For Funds requested to support the school also to provide a salary to a music teacher and choir robes, payable over 1 year.
$25,000 to Society Of The Sacred Heart, St. Louis, MO. For Funds needed to care for elderly sister of the order, payable over 1 year.
$10,000 to International Partners In Mission, Cleveland Heights, OH. For Fund to support an outreach program that sends a person around the US educating people on poverty and injustice in the world, payable over 1 year.
$6,000 to Sacred Heart Martha Curry RSCJ, Chicago, IL. For Funds to support a literacy work in progress to preserve and tell the history of Barat College, payable over 1 year.
No grants to individuals.
The foundation supports to Aging, centers/services, Arts, Human services, Performing arts, Youth, services, Aging.
Type of Grantmaker: Independent foundation
Established in 2004.
Not Available
Phone: Not Available
Email: Not Available
c/o Kelly, Kelly & Kelly
77 W. Washington St., No. 1412
Chicago, IL 60602-3229
Applicants should submit the following:
1. Copy of IRS Determination Letter
2. Listing of board of directors, trustees, officers and other key people and their affiliations
3. Detailed description of project and amount of funding requested
Initial approach: Letter
Deadline(s): None
Garnetta Kramer
Officers and Directors:
Maureen J. Kelly, President
Charlotte C. Vail
Edward C. Wicklin
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