Total Assets: $1,819,596
Total Giving: N/A
Community Services Block Grant Garden Project
Community Services Block Grant Scholarship Program
Grants to Individuals Program
Head Start
Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program
Tenant-Based Rental Assistance (TBRA)
Through Opportunities People Succeed
Weatherization/Demandside Management Program
Workforce Investment Act (WIA) Title I
Not Available
Giving limited to Pike, Martin, Magoffin, Floyd, and Johnson counties, KY.
The organization administers federal, state, and local programs to promote employment and assist persons at or below the poverty level.
Type of Grantmaker: Public charity
Established in 1968 in KY.
Initial Approach: Contact county coordinator for application information
Second Floor Courthouse
Paintsville, KY 41240
Phone: (606) 789-3641
Fax: (606) 789-8344
Information on services and programs:
Larry Dotson, Coord.
Phone: (606) 432-2775
Officers and Trustees:
A B Conley, Vice Chairman
R Tucker Daniel, Chairman
Ben Hale
Bill Mike Runyon
Burnis Patrick
Carolyn Tackett
Charles Hardin
Craig HamiltonR
Dean Hall
Donald Setser
Dottie Horn
Eddie Daniels
Eula Hall
Evelyn Spence
James Michael Howell, Executive Director
Jeff Howington
Jeff Ross
Jimmy Carter
Kelly Callahan
Larry Kidd
Les Stapleton
Linda Duncan
Linda Sparks
Lorna Cassady
Malcolm Hall
Michael Endicott
Patsy Wagner
Pete Shepherd
Polly Arnold
SUSn Gannon
William Deskins
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