Financial Information

Total Assets: Not Available

Total Giving: $14,837,303

Area of Service:

National; international, California, Massachusetts, Washington

Areas of Interest:

Not Available




Not Available


Giving primarily in southern Alameda County, San Francisco, southern San Mateo County, and Santa Clara County, CA, Newton, MA, King County and Seattle, WA, and Ottawa, Canada; giving on a national basis and in Australia, Canada, CN, France, Germany, Hong Kong, India, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Sweden, Taiwan, and the United Kingdom for software donations.
No support for private foundations, political organizations, religious organizations not of direct benefit to the entire community, organizations with unlawful employment practices or discriminatory organizations, lobbying organizations, research or advocacy organizations, think-tanks not providing direct services to the end-beneficiary, information services organizations, or fraternal organizations, scholarship organizations, organizations whose clients are other nonprofit organizations, or medical service organizations not providing services to disabled people; no North America Software Donations–Nonprofit or International Software Donations for organizations with an annual operating budget of over $10 million; no International Software Donations for fundraising organizations located in CN, Hong Kong, or Taiwan.
No grants to individuals (except for scholarships), or for endowments; no software donations for raffles, door prizes, auctions, or other fundraising activities or individual awards.


Adobe makes charitable contributions to nonprofit organizations involved with arts and culture, education, the environment, hunger, housing, community development, youth, senior citizens, disabled people, economically disadvantaged people, and homeless people. Special emphasis is directed toward programs designed to improve the quality of life for underserved populations in the community. Support is given primarily in southern Alameda County, San Francisco, southern San Mateo County, and Santa Clara County, CA, King County and Seattle, Washington, and Ottawa, Canada, and on a national and international basis for software donations. Grants and scholarships are made through the Adobe Foundation Fund at the Community Foundation Silicon Valley.


Type of Grantmaker: Corporate giving program

Quick Facts Sheet

Located in:

San Jose,

National; international, California, Massachusetts, Washington

United States

Contact Information / Process

Phone: (408) 536-5163

Email: Not Available

c/o Community Rels.
345 Park Ave.
San Jose, CA 95110-2704

Adobe Action Grants are one-time general operating and program development grants. Grants range from $5,000 to $20,000. Adobe Community Investment Grants are multi-year cash, software, volunteer, and facility use grants. Support is limited to 1 contribution per organization during any given year for Adobe Action Grants. The company utilizes an invitation only Request For Proposal (RFP) process for Adobe Community Investment Grants; unsolicited requests are not accepted. Support is limited to 3 years in length for Adobe Community Investment Grants. Unsolicited requests for employee volunteer services from organizations located in San Francisco, CA, are not accepted. Software donations are limited to 4 individually titled software products or 1 bundled software package per organization during any given year. The Community Relations Department handles giving. A contributions committee reviews all requests for employee volunteer services. Application form required. Initial approach: Complete online application form for Adobe Action Grants; download application form and mail or fax to headquarters for employee volunteer services; complete online application form at for North America Software Donation Program–Education
Copies of proposal: 1
Board meeting date(s): Quarterly for employee volunteer services
Deadline(s): Mar. 31, June 30, Sept. 30, and Dec. 31 for Adobe Action Grants; 8 weeks prior to need for employee volunteer services
Final notification: Feb. 28, May 31, Aug. 31, and Nov. 30 for Adobe Action Grants; 1 month for software donations
Additional information: Requests for North America Software Donations–Education should include the school’s accreditation documentation and a copy of the school’s non-discrimination policy. Requests for International Software Donations should include nonprofit verification documentation or the school’s accreditation documentation, a copy of the organization’s non-discrimination policy, and an anti-piracy contract.

Donors & Leadership

Not Available


Not Available

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