Total Assets: $43,130,735
Total Giving: $10,910,743
The following grants were reported in 2007:
$40,000 to Arts For Children Of Toronto, Canada. For Arts & Culture, payable over 1 year.
$15,000 to Big Brothers And Big Sisters Of Oilier And District, Canada. For Miscellaneous Philanthropy, payable over 1 year.
$8,000 to British Columbia Civil Liberties Association, Canada. For Social & Human Services, payable over 1 year.
$5,238 to Bay St. Lawrence Community Centre, Canada. For Miscellaneous Philanthropy, payable over 1 year.
$5,000 to British Columbia Spaces For Nature, Canada. For Environment, payable over 1 year.
$5,000 to Better Environmentally Sound Transportation, Canada. For Environment, payable over 1 year.
$3,500 to Acorn Institute Of Canada, Canada. For Social & Human Services, payable over 1 year.
$3,000 to Arts In Action Society Canada Arts & Culture, payable over 1 year.
$2,500 to B.C. Society For Non-Profit Sustainability, Vancouver, BC. For Education, payable over 1 year.
$1,000 to Atelier Theatre Society, Canada. For Arts & Culture, payable over 1 year.
Applications accepted.
The foundation supports Community Economic Development, Environment, Social Justice.
Type of Grant maker: Public foundation
Established in July, 1999 in Vancouver, British Columbia.
Phone: (604) 647-6611
Email: [email protected]
400 – 163 W. Hastings St.
Vancouver, British Columbia V6b 1h5
While unsolicited grant proposals are not accepted, donors may ask the foundation to help them identify grant opportunities. Please send a brief one page description of your mission and programs via email to [email protected] or via mail to the Vancouver office. Electronic documents are preferred.
Unsolicited grant proposals are not accepted.
Fiscal year end is December 31.
Edwin Levy
SUSn Gibson
Ross Mcgregor
SUSn Piggot
Valerie Hussey
Jodi White
Margie Zeidler
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