Total Assets: £18,184
Total Giving: £24,343
Not Available
No Information Available
Not Available
(a) To Promote, Foster and Spread the Gospel Throughout the World and to Encourage Christian Unity, Through the Media of Motion Pictures, Drama, Lantern Slides, Film Strips, Recordings, Pictures and Literature.
(b) To Procure, Manufacture, Exhibit, Distribute, Deal In, Acquire Th Copyright Of, and Any Other Interest In, Any Motion Picture Film, Drama, or Publication Which Would Confirm the Objects Hereinbefore Mentioned.
Type of Grant maker: Not Available
Established in December, 1963 in Poole, England.
Not Available
Phone: 01202 777213
Email: Not Available
25 Dorchester Road Upton
BH16 5NJ
No confirmed application deadline(s) are provided by this foundation. Foundations which do not stipulate deadlines are best approached directly for more information. Some foundations have a continuous intake of proposals. A reference to the fiscal year end may be a useful guide as to when new funds will become available for disbursement. The fiscal year end for this foundation is March.
Directors And Officers:
Sir Thomas Lees
Mr Arthur Henry Vincent
Mr David John Palmer
Mrs Ruth Evangeline Vincent
Miss Janet Barker
Miss Ruth Muldowney
Mr David John Harder
Mrs Ruth Jean Harder
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