Total Assets: £37,756
Total Giving: £62,437
Not Available
No Information Available
Not Available
(1)The Relief of Poverty Among the Brethren and in Particular but Without Prejudice to the Generality of the Foregoing the Trustees in Applying Any Part of the Trust Deed or the Income Thereof for This Purpose May –
(a)Provide or Assist in the Provision of Accommodation for Members of the Brethren in Necessitous Circumstances on Terms Appropriate to Their Means and
(b)Provide for the Cure or Mitigation or Orevention of or for the Care of Members of the Brethren Suffering from or Subject to Any Disease or Infirmity or Disability Affecting Human Beings (including the care of women before during and after childbirth)
(11)The Carrying on of the Service of God Including the Celebration of the Lord’s Supper Gospel Preachings Readings on the Holy Scriptures and Addresses on the Word of God and Other Meetings of a Christian Religious Character According to the Injunction Contained in the Holy Scriptures and the Tenets and Practices of Those Christians Forming a World-wide Fellowship Sometimes Known as and in the Deed Referred to as ‘The Brethren’ Who Hold and Practise the Teachings of Christ and His Apostles Contained in the Holy Scriptures as Expounded by His Servants and Ministers of the Lord in the Recovery Mr.j.n. Darby Mr. F.e. Raven Mr. J. Taylor Snr. Mr. J. Taylor Jnr. Mr. J.h. Symington and Mr. J.s. Hales and Those in Succession After Him and Who Are in Fellowship With Mr. J.s. Hales (so long as he lives) and After His Death With Any Other Person Who for the Time Being Is a Successor as a Minister of the Lord in the Recovery
(111)The Advancement of Any Other Charitable Purpose Connected With the Brethren.
Type of Grant maker: Not Available
Established in March, 1995 in London, England.
Not Available
Phone: 0208 699 6990
Email: Not Available
25 Perry Rise
SE23 2QX
No confirmed application deadline(s) are provided by this foundation. Foundations which do not stipulate deadlines are best approached directly for more information. Some foundations have a continuous intake of proposals. A reference to the fiscal year end may be a useful guide as to when new funds will become available for disbursement. The fiscal year end for this foundation is February.
Directors and Officers:
Mr David Stephen Brown
Mr E J Ellis
Mr Garth Woodcock
Mr H H Glass
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