Not Available
Not Available
Unless they are an integral and indispensable part of the project, NFI grants do not support
Workshops and seminars.
Travel costs for attending workshops and seminars.
Purchase of land, vehicles and buildings
Production of publications, films and other audio-visual materials.
Organizations wanting to partner NFI, must be registered societies or trusts. The Foundation does not support individuals, except through the media fellowship programmes.
NFI’s support is available to all organizations However the Foundation does not support groups and institutions affiliated to specific religious or political organizations
The National Foundation for India is an independent, Indian grant-making and fundraising body, helping people improve their own lives.
Type of Grantmaker: Non Profit Organization Established in 1995.
NFI’s Homepage is also available at
National Foundation for India
India Habitat Centre, Zone IV-A
Upper Ground Floor
Lodhi Road
New Delhi 110 003
Phone:91-11-4641864, 4641865, 4648490, 4648491, 4648492
Fax: 91-11-4641867
E-mail: [email protected]
Application Process:
If the idea that you want to develop falls within these broad areas, please send a single page note on the idea. The note should clearly explain what the activity proposed is, the block/district/town where the project will be activated, duration, cost and any other source of funds for the project.
The write up can be in any Indian language and should be addressed to the concerned Programme Officer. Along with the note, you may like to send the most recent annual report of your organization. We do not need any other documents at this stage.
Following NFI’s review of this brief, submission of a formal and detailed proposal may be requested.
Dr. M.S Swaminathan
Mr. C. Subramaniam
Dr. Kamla Chowdhry
Mr. S.P Godrej
Ms. Devaki Jain
Mr Vijay Mahajan
Begum Bilkees Latif
Mr. Ratan Tata
Ms. Mirai Chatterjee
Dr. Manmohan Singh
Colour-Chem Limited, Bombay
Ford Foundation, New York
High Energy Batteries (I) Ltd, Madras
Indian Bank, Madras
Maxworth Orchards (India) Ltd.
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