Total Assets: $41,181
Total Giving: $0
British Columbia and Ontario
The following grants were reported in 2005:
$10,000 to Coastal Victory Church, Vancouver, BC. For Religion, payable over 1 year.
Applications accepted.
The foundation supports Christian Organizations, Social Services.
Type of Grant maker: Private foundation
Established in March, 1993 in Maple Ridge, British Columbia.
British Columbia and Ontario
Phone: (604) 222-2821
Email: Not Available
12760- 227 B St.
Maple Ridge, British Columbia V2x2z4
The first step is to submit a query letter, which will include:
Brief history of the organization
Name, address & phone number of the contact person
Description of the project program
Need being addressed & how this need was determined
How funding will benefit community
Anticipated funding date
Budget, highlighting items being requested
Charitable registration number, if applicable
Full proposal must be invited by the Foundation.
Fiscal year end is December 31.
Lillian J Mcallister
Patti N King
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