Total Assets: £6,170
Total Giving: £5,700
Not Available
No Information Available
Not Available
To Assist and Further the Charitable Work/ministry of the Registered Charity ‘Tear Fund’to Assist the Charitable Work of the Registered Charity ‘Traidcraft Exchange’.the Relief of Poverty and Its Effects for Persons in the GB or Elsewhere in the World by the Provision of Support to Christian Persons in Lancashire and the Administrative Districts of Craven and South Lakeland District Councils in Their Work, as the Trustee May from Time to Time Think Fit.
Type of Grant maker: Not Available
Established in April, 1997 in Marton Street, England.
Not Available
Phone: 01524 751965
Email: Not Available
St Thomas Church
Marton Street
No confirmed application deadline(s) are provided by this foundation. Foundations which do not stipulate deadlines are best approached directly for more information. Some foundations have a continuous intake of proposals. A reference to the fiscal year end may be a useful guide as to when new funds will become available for disbursement. The fiscal year end for this foundation is March.
Directors And Officers:
Mrs Angela M Blowes
Mrs Margaret a Rand
Mrs Cathleen M Dawson
Mr Alan L Hipple
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