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1. To Further Such Work of the Church as Is Exclusively Charitable;
2. To Promote Events of Public Christian Worship And/ or Gospel Presentation Arranged by the Church;
3. to Advance Religious Education in Accordance With the Doctrine as Set Out in the Annexed Statement of Faith and Practice by Means of Literature, Audio-visual Products, Computer-based Learning, Structured Training, Classes, Coaching, Mentoring and Otherwise;
4. To Provide Places of Residence for Elders And/ or Other Ministers of the Church;
5. To Provide Places of Burial for Members of and Adherents to the Church;
6. To Advance the Christian Religion in Any Part of the World;
7. To Promote Study and Research in the History of the Christian Faith and in Its Contemporary Application Provided that the Results of Such Research Shall Be Published;
8. To Relieve Poverty, Need, Hardship or Distress;
9. To Promote Such Other Purposes of an Exclusively Charitable Nature as the Trustees in Their Discretion May Determine.
Type of Grant maker: Not Available
Established in February, 2005 in Northampton, England.
Not Available
Phone: 0845 123 5550
Email: Not Available
Not Available
No confirmed application deadline(s) are provided by this foundation. Foundations which do not stipulate deadlines are best approached directly for more information. Some foundations have a continuous intake of proposals. A reference to the fiscal year end may be a useful guide as to when new funds will become available for disbursement. The fiscal year end for this foundation is unknown.
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