Total Assets: $18,283,920
Total Giving: $844,075
New York
The following grants were reported in 2007:
$333,333 to University Of Pennsylvania Trustee Fund, Philadelphia, PA. For General fund, payable over 1 year.
$165,664 to University Of Pennsylvania Trustee Fund, Philadelphia, PA. For General fund, payable over 1 year.
$131,903 to American Friends Of Israel Museum, New York, NY, United States. For General fund, payable over 1 year.
$60,000 to Gift Of Life Bone Marrow Foundation, Boca Raton, FL. For General fund, payable over 1 year.
$25,000 to Futures In Education Foundation, Brooklyn, NY. For General fund, payable over 1 year.
$25,000 to International Seakeepers Society, Ft. Lauderdale, FL. For General fund, payable over 1 year.
$15,750 to Diocesan Services Appeal, Palm Beach Gardens, FL. For General fund, payable over 1 year.
$15,000 to Daniel E Ponton Fund For The Neurosciences, Palm Beach, FL. For General fund, payable over 1 year.
$10,925 to St. Edward’s Catholic Church, Palm Beach, FL. For General fund, payable over 1 year.
$10,000 to G&P Foundation For Cancer Research, New York, NY. For General fund, payable over 1 year.
Applications not accepted.
Giving primarily in Greenwich, CT, FL, with emphasis on West Palm Beach, and New York, NY; some funding nationally.
No grants to individuals.
Giving primarily for higher education as well as for the arts,particularly museums; funding also for medical research,social services,and to a Roman Catholic church.
Type of Grantmaker: Independent foundation
Established in 1996 in CT and FL.
New York
Phone: (561) 832-9292
Email: Not Available
c/o Caler, Donten & Levine, et al.
505 S. Flagler Dr., Ste. 900
West Palm Beach, FL 33401-5923
Contributes only to pre-selected organizations.
Joel Kozol
John Zampino
Jodi Fisher, Manager
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