Financial Information

Total Assets: $2,727,429,319
Total Giving: $339,637,290

Area of Service:


Areas of Interest:

Not Available


Grants to Individuals Program: Awards to residents of the greater Kansas City, MO, area for pre-school, middle school, high school, grade school, collegiate undergraduate and collegiate graduate scholarships as well as extracurricular and camp scholarships.
Program-Related Investment: The foundation has made a PRI in the form of a low-interest loan to a cultural center for construction and upkeep costs


The following grants were awarded in 2015: United Methodist Church of the Resurrection of Leawood, Kansas – $1,548,919
Linwood Property of Kansas City, Missouri – $100,000
Lutheran Church of the Resurrection of Prairie Village, Kansas – $13,300
The following grants were awarded in 2014: Episcopal Diocese of Kansas of Topeka, Kansas – $75,000
North American Mission Board of the Southern Baptist Convention of Alpharetta, Georgia – $20,000


Giving primarily in the bi-state greater Kansas City region. No grants to individuals (except through scholarship funds), or for deficit financing.


The foundation seeks to improve the quality of life in Greater Kansas City by increasing charitable giving, connecting donors to the needs in the community they care about, and providing leadership on critical community issues.


Background: Established in 1978 in MO

Quick Facts Sheet

Located in:

Kansas City ,


United States

Contact Information / Process

Not Available

Donors & Leadership

Officers and Directors: Jim Hinson Chair. and Dir., Debbie Wilkerson C.E.O., Pres., and Dir., William H. Coughlin Vice-Chair and Dir., Robert D. Regnier, Julie Barry V.P., Finance, Brenda Chumley Sr. V.P., Donor Rels. and Opers., Katie Gray Sr. V.P., Finance and Foundation Svcs., Denise St. Omer V.P., Grantmaking and Inclusion Initiatives, Corey Ziegler V.P. and Corp. Counsel, Diane Y. Canaday, William C. Gautreaux Treas. and Dir., Kenneth V. Hager, Joseph F. Reardon, Kay A. Saunders Secy. and Dir., Mary Bloch, Dianne Cleaver, David W. Frantze, Beatriz Ibarra, Gordon E. Lansford, III, William M. Lyons, Greg S. Maday, Patrick J. McCown, Dr. Steven St. Peter, Clyde F. Wendel



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