Total Assets: $122,748,682
Total Giving: $4,400,000
Not Available
Giving limited to northwest OR.
The organization provides vocational opportunities to people with barriers for employment in the Willamette Valley region, Oregon.
Type of Grantmaker: Public charity
Phone: (503) 238-6100
Email: [email protected]
1943 S.E. 6th Ave.
Portland, OR 97214-4508
Procedure: Not Available
Officers and Directors:
Thomas C. Young, Chairperson
Karl F. Koch, 1st Vice-Chairperson
William G. Seal, 2nd Vice-Chairperson
Michael M. Miller, President
Lewis C. Nickerson, Sr., Secretary
Kent L. Aldrich, Treasurer
Laurie Carlson Anderson
Robert Brunmeier
Garry Bullard
Bruce Burns
Jeff Grubb
Pete Sinclair
Nancy Wilgenbusch, Ph.
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