Total Assets: $48,213,706
Total Giving: $18,200
Not Available
Giving limited to the metropolitan Denver, CO area.
The organization works to ensure that every person in the Denver metropolitan area has the opportunity to live to his or her potential and attain personal and economic self-sufficiency.
Type of Grantmaker: Public charity
Established in CO.
Phone: (303) 650-7700
Email: Not Available
6850 Federal Blvd.
Denver, CO 80221-2628
Procedure: Not Available
Officers and Directors:
George Bogdewiecz, Chairperson
Todd Munson, Vice-Chairperson
Bill Elsner, Secretary
Steven Swain, Treasurer
Tom Athenour
Kathleen Cook
Brent Drever
Rick Dutkiewicz
C. Dale Flowers
Sam Freeman
Harold Klausner
Tamela Lee
David Leonard
Doug Linkhart
Scott Maierhofer
And 11 additional directors
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