Total Assets: $1,985,905
Total Giving: $74,026
The following grants were reported in 2006:
$40,000 to Norwalk Catholic School, Norwalk, OH. For Support for education, payable over 1 year.
$10,000 to Answering The Call Together, Norwalk, OH. For Disaster relief, payable over 1 year.
$8,000 to Successful Relationships Norwalk, OH. For Christian leadership, payable over 1 year.
$6,500 to Norwalk Economic Development Corporation, Norwalk, OH. For Economic development, payable over 1 year.
$4,500 to Norwalk City School, Norwalk, OH. For Support for education, payable over 1 year.
Giving primarily in OH.
The foundation supports Christian agencies & churches,Human services,Safety/disasters.
Type of Grantmaker: Independent foundation
Established in 2004 in OH.
Phone: Not Available
Email: Not Available
c/o John D. Payne
257 Benedict Ave., Ste. D
Norwalk, OH 44857-2715
Application form not required. Initial approach: Letter
Deadline(s): None
Daniel J. White
Sandra A. White
Officers and Trustees:
Brad L. Mason, President
Daniel J. White, Secretary
John D. Payne, Treasurer
Wesley W. White
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