Total Assets: $5,718,741
Total Giving: $301,600
North Carolina
The following grants were reported in 2007:
$12,000 to Charlotte Speech and Hearing Center, Charlotte, NC, payable over 1 year.
$5,000 to Mercersburg Academy, Mercersburg, PA, payable over 1 year.
$1,000 to Crossnore School, Crossnore, NC, payable over 1 year.
Applications not accepted.
Giving primarily in NC.
No grants to individuals.
Giving primarily to hospitals, health associations, and Christian agencies and churches.
Type of Grantmaker: Independent foundation Established about 1970 in NC.
North Carolina
Phone: (704) 365-3806
Email: Not Available
2115 Rexford Rd., Ste. 211
Charlotte, NC 28211-3550
Contributes only to pre-selected organizations.
George W. Baxter, Sr.
Officers and Directors:
Nolan D. Pace, Jr., Chairperson
G. Steven Baxter, Vice-Chairperson
Ruth R. Baxter, President
Mark B. Edwards, Secretary
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