Total Assets: £7,148
Total Giving: £6,153
Not Available
No Information Available
Not Available
The Trustees Shall Hold the Trust Fund and Its Income Upon Trust to Apply Them for General Charitable Purposes and in Particular the Following :- (1) The Relief of Citizens of Southern Africa Who Are in Conditions of Need, Hardship or Distress as a Result of Local , National or International Disaster or by Reason of Their Social and Economic Circumstances;
(2) The Relief of Patients in Southern Africa Suffering from Aids;
(3) The Provision in the Interests of Social Welfare of Recreational Facilities for Such Patients;
(4) The Relief in Cases of Financial Distress of the Dependants of Such Patients or of Deceased Patients; And
(5) The Advancement of the Christian Religion Either in the United Kingdom or Elsewhere.
Type of Grant maker: Not Available
Established in February, 2000 in London, England.
Not Available
Phone: 0151 236 6666
Email: Not Available
Co Rathbone Investment Management 1
No confirmed application deadline(s) are provided by this foundation. Foundations which do not stipulate deadlines are best approached directly for more information. Some foundations have a continuous intake of proposals. A reference to the fiscal year end may be a useful guide as to when new funds will become available for disbursement. The fiscal year end for this foundation is April.
Directors And Officers:
Mr Michael J P Wright
Mrs Ursula J Wright
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