Not Available
Not available
Giving on a national basis.
The organization seeks to place the unemployed in jobs and to keep them there, and to encourage effective employment policies and practices globally.
Type of Grantmaker: Public charity
Established in 1984 in NY.
Phone: (212) 360-1100
Email: [email protected]
240 E. 123rd St.
New York, NY 10035-2050
Procedure: Not available
H. Thompson Rodman, Chairman
Judith McElnea, Vice Chairman
Brian Friedman, Treasurer
Gerald Ellis, Secretary
Sam Hartwell, Chairman Emeritus
Tunde Banjoko, Executive Director
Richard Barthelemes, Retired
Richard Brown, Vice President of Philanthropy
Arthur Kokot, Principal
Andy Rahl, Partner
Randy Zeno, Outside Director
Laura Slutsky, President/CEO
Philip Weinberg, Chief Executive Officer
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