Total Assets: $461,329,811 Total Giving: $36,428,774
Discretionary Grants, Grants to Individuals Program, Program-Related Investment, Scholarships, Video Camera Lending Program
The following grants were awarded in 2016: Southern Ohio Synod Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, Columbus, Ohio – $113,000
Saint Pauls Episcopal Church, Dayton, Ohio – $57,285
Saints Constantine & Helen Greek Orthodox Cathedral of Cleveland, Ohio – $10,000
City Gospel Mission, Cincinnati, Ohio – $10,000
First Congregational Church of Palo Alto, California – $9,500
Giving limited to the greater Dayton and Miami Valley, OH, area.
No support for religious organizations for religious purposes, or public or private schools.
No grants to individuals (except for specific scholarships and award programs), or for operating budgets, exchange programs, professorships, continuing support, travel, fundraising drives, special events, annual campaigns, deficit financing, endowments, or scientific, medical, or academic research; no loans or program-related investments.
The foundation seeks to empower others through philanthropy and community leadership.
Established in 1921 in OH by resolution and declaration of trust
Initial Approach: Submit online Letter of Intent
Officers and Governing Board:
Ellen S. Ireland Chair. and Director
Michael M. Parks Pres.
Joseph B. Baldasare V.P., Devel.
Stephen D. Darnell V.P., Finance
Deborah Dulaney V.P., Opers.
Christine Smith V.P., Mktg. and Public Rels. and Director
Barbra Stonerock V.P., Community Engagement
Diane K. Timmons V.P., Grants and Progs.
Craig J. Brown
Marva Cosby
J. Norman Eckstein
William L. Gillispie
Lisa E. Hanauer
Maureen A. Lynch
David T. Miller
Anita J. Moore
Richard J. Omlor
Ratna Palakodeti, MD
James R. Pancoast
Colleen M. Ryan
Charles G. Schroeder
Jerome F. Tatar
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