Total Assets: $5,553,779
Total Giving: $214,963
Not Available
The following grants were reported in 2008:
$20,000 to Canadian Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, 601-2221 Yonge St Toronto. For Health, payable over 1 year.
$10,000 to Children’s Health Foundation, 345 Westminster Ave London. For Social & Human Services, payable over 1 year.
$10,000 to Alexandra Marine And Hospital Foundation, 120 Napier St Goderich. For Health, payable over 1 year.
$10,000 to Leave Out Violence -L.O.V.E.-, Toronto, ON. For Social & Human Services, payable over 1 year.
$5,000 to Aldeeburgh Connection Concert Society, Toronto, ON. For Miscellaneous Philanthropy, payable over 1 year.
$5,000 to Hope Air, Toronto, ON. For Health, payable over 1 year.
$3,000 to Learning Disabilities Association Of Ontario, Toronto, ON. For Education, payable over 1 year.
$2,000 to Boundless Adventures Association, Toronto, ON. For Sports & Recreation, payable over 1 year.
$2,000 to Hanover And District Hospital Foundation, 90 7th Avenue Hanover. For Health, payable over 1 year.
Applications accepted.
The foundation supports Alcohol & Drug Abuse, Alzheimer’s Disease, Art Education & Schools of Art, Arthritis, Arts & Culture, Crisis Services, Cystic Fibrosis, Dance, Education, First Nations People, Hospitals, Music, Orchestras, Osteoporosis, Painting,
Performing Arts, Performing Arts Education, Social Sciences, Special Education, Special Olympics, Theatre, Universities, Visual Arts, Young Offenders.
Type of Grant maker: Private foundation
Established in January, 1967 Toronto, Ontario.
Not Available
Phone: (416) 933-2257
Email: Not Available
Attn: Ms. SUSn M. Rowbottom 130 King Street West, 20th Floor Toronto, Ontario, M5H1H1
The foundation has a standard application form. This form is available to download online. To be considered by the foundation, applicants must submit the following:
A completed application form
Latest audited financial statements
An income/expenditure budget of the current year
Charitable registration number
Applications for grants up to $5,000 have no deadline. Applications for grants in the 10,000$ above range are due March 31st.
Joanne Mazzoleni
Charles Ivey
Barb Ivey
Jim Ivey
Erika Randlesome
Todd Ivey
Gina Mcdonnell
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