Total Assets: $25,063,517
Total Giving: $637,449
Toronto, Ontario
The following grants were reported in 2008:
$8,205 to Aid To Disabled Veterans Of Israel, Concord, ON. For International Giving, payable over 1 year.
$4,404 to Alzheimer Society Of Canada. For Health, payable over 1 year.
$2,302 to Arthritis Society. For Health,
$2,000 to Alzheimer Society Of Lanark County, Perth, ON. For Health, payable over 1 year.
$1,800 to Allergy And Environmental Health. For Environment, payable over 1 year.
$850 to Alberta Children’s Hospital Foundation, 2888 Shaganappi Trail NW Calg. For Social & Human Services, payable over 1 year.
$500 to Amyotrophic Leteral Sclerosis Of Ontario, Miscellaneous Philanthropy, payable over 1 year.
$260 to Amnesty International. For Social & Human Services, payable over 1 year.
Applications accepted.
The foundation supports AIDS/HIV, Arts & Culture, Big Brothers & Sisters, Bursaries, Camps, Education, Health, Hospitals, Literacy, Scholarships, University Foundations
Type of Grantmaker: Private foundation
Established in October, 1977 in Niagara Falls, Ontario.
Toronto, Ontario
Phone: (905) 358-0484
Email: [email protected]
4785 Drummond Road
Niagara Falls, OntarioL2E6C8.
Procedure: For scholarships, application forms are available in publicly-funded secondary school guidance departments in the Regional Municipality of Niagara only. Other grant requests must be made in the form of a letter. Please submit an initial letter of inquiry, and include the following information:
Organization name, address, and phone number
Contact name and title
Charitable registration number
Brief history of your organization
Brief project description
Amount of contribution sought
How the donation will be used
Who will benefit from your project or program
Director :
Mildred F Branscombe
Ann Louise Branscombe
Frank B Leslie
Thomas A Branscombe
Sherri L Branscombe Lavelle
Glenn Meyers
Carolyn J Davis
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