Total Assets: $50,570,246
Total Giving: $2,061,684
GA/ NC/ AL/ DC/ VA/ United Kingdom
Grants in 2017:
New Leaders, $150,000
Public School Forum of North Carolina, Inc., $100,000
Birmingham Education Foundation, $100,000
Charlotte Library, $100,000
Reading Partners of the SF Bay Area, $75,000
Renaissance West, $75,000
Kip Metro Atlanta Collaborative Inc, $50,000
Contributes only to pre-selected organizations.
Giving primarily in areas of company operations, with emphasis on Birmingham, AL, Atlanta, GA, and Charlotte, NC.
No support for private elementary or secondary schools or international organizations.
No grants to individuals or for fundraising.
The foundation supports programs designed to ensure all students graduate from high school and continue on an intentional path toward college, a career, and quality of life.
Type of Grantmaker: Company-sponsored foundation
Trust established in 1928 in NC.
GA/ NC/ AL/ DC/ VA/ United Kingdom
Contributes only to pre-selected organizations.
6832 Morrison Blvd, Ste. 100
Charlotte, NC 28211
(704) 544-5444
[email protected]
E-mail for SUSn Blount: [email protected]
Belk, Inc.
Officers and Board of Directors:
Katie Belk Morris, Chairperson
John R Belk, Vice Chair
Johanna Edens Anderson, Executive Director
Thomas M Belk, Jr., Treasurer
Peter C Gorman
Mary Claudia Belk Pilon
Louise Martin, Secretary
Adelaide Belk
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