Total Assets: $2,269,402
Total Giving: $57,806
Ontario and British Columbia
The following grants were reported in 2007:
$42,506 to Collingwood And Marine Hospital Foundation, Collingwood, ON. For Health, payable over 1 year.
$6,500 to Highlands Youth For Christ, Orangevill, ON. For Religion, payable over 1 year.
$6,000 to Collingwood And Marine Hospital Foundation, Collingwood, ON. For Health, payable over 1 year.
$2,000 to United Way Of South Georgian Bay, Collingwood, ON. For Social & Human Services, payable over 1 year.
$500 to YMCA, Collingwood, ON. For Social & Human Services, payable over 1 year.
Applications accepted.
The foundation supports Children, Colleges, Education, Health, Hospitals, Social Services, United Way, and Universities.
Type of Grant maker: Private foundation
Established in November, 1987 in Calgary, Alberta.
Ontario and British Columbia
Phone: (705) 444-5532
Email: [email protected]
18 Varsville Place Nw
Calgary, Alberta T3A0A8
Please submit an initial query letter of inquiry. Include the following information within your request:
Organization name, address & phone number
Contact name & title
Charitable registration number
Brief history of your organization
Brief project description
Amount of contribution sought
How the donation will be used
Who will benefit from your project or program
Full proposals must be invited by the foundation.
Fiscal year end is December 31.
Donald G Campbell
Audrey I Campbell
Scott Campbell
David Campbell
Reid Campbell
Marc S Campbell
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