Financial Information

Total Assets: $172,264

Total Giving: N/A

Area of Service:


Areas of Interest:

Not Available


Grants to Individuals Program

Support to economically disadvantaged individuals in rural AR to improve their standards of living and quality of life.


The following grants were reported in 2005:
$5,800 to Little Rock Chamber Of Commerce, Little Rock, AR, payable over 1 year.
$5,000 to Silas Hunt CDC, Ashdown, AR, payable over 1 year.
$4,275 To Sunrise Daycare Academy, Blytheville, AR, payable over 1 year.


Giving limited to AR, primarily in rural areas of the state.


The organization serves local communities through programs in health, community-based housing, skills training, job development, and job placement. AHDC helps people become economically stable and involved in the development of their communities. It empowers and enables families and communities to improve their standard of living and quality of life. It provides support to rural residents in Arkansas who have been displaced from farm work or who are underemployed in farm work, meet an economic test, and are considered disadvantaged under the housing and urban development poverty guidelines. Support is given for educational expenses, job placement, transportation, child care, special equipment and uniforms, emergency assistance, residential and nutritional assistance.


Type of Grantmaker: Public charity
Established in 1972 in AR as the Arkansas Council of Farmworkers.

Quick Facts Sheet

Located in:

Little Rock,


United States

Contact Information / Process

Board meeting date(s): Mar., June, Sept., and Dec.

300 S. Spring St., Ste. 800
Little Rock, AR 72201-2424

Phone: (501)374-1103
Fax: (501)374-1413
[email protected]

Donors & Leadership

Officers and Directors:
Clinton R. Hampton, Chairperson
Christine Patterson, Vice-Chairperson
Rev. Ezell Branch, Jr., Secretary
Clevon Young, Executive Director
Deron K Hamilton
Freeman McKindra
John Newkirk
Karen Pace, Operations Manager
Mario Maya
Mozella S Anderson
Tera Gardner, Comptroller
Tony Wilson



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