Total Assets: $75,565,322 Total Giving: $2,621,276
African-American Endowment Fund, Anna Botsford Bach Fund for Seniors, Coordinated Funding, General Grantmaking Program, Grants to Individuals Program, Safe Child Fund, Scholarship Funds, Youth Council Grant Program
The following grants were awarded in 2014: First Presbyterian Church of Ann Arbor, Michigan – $10,000
Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church Ann Arbor, Michigan – $5,900
West Side United Methodist Church of Ann Arbor, Michigan – $5,000
St. Clare’s Episcopal Church – Outreach Committee of Ann Arbor, Michigan – $1,532
Peace Lutheran Church of Reading, Pennsylvania – $500
Giving limited to Washtenaw County, MI.
No support for religious or sectarian purposes.
No grants to individuals (except for scholarships), or for construction projects (new building or routine maintenance), re-granting, annual giving campaigns, fundraising events, or computer hardware equipment; no loans.
The Ann Arbor Area Community Foundation enriches the quality of life in the region through its knowledgeable leadership, engaged grantmaking, and creative partnerships with donors to make philanthropic investments and build endowment.
Incorporated in 1963 in MI
Telephone: (734) 663-0401
Fax: (734) 663-3514
E-mail: [email protected]
301 N. Main St., Ste. 300 Ann Arbor, MI United States 48104-1296
Officers and Trustees: Bhushan Kulkarni Chair. and Trustee
Michelle Crumm Vice-Chair. and Trustee
Neel Hajra C.E.O. and Pres. and Trustee
Shelley Strickland V.P., Devel. and Donor Svcs. and Trustee
Patricia Walker C.O.O. and Trustee
Jennifer Poteat Secy. and Trustee
Kevin Thompson
Brian P. Campbell Treas. and Trustee
Phillipia Shumate Cont.
Phillippia Shumate Interim Cont.
Dr. Rose B. Bellanca
George E. Borel, CPA
Cynthia L. Cattran
Ann S. Davis
Marie Deveney
Jeff Hauptman
Robert Laverty
Nancy Margolis
Frederick L. McDonald, II
Matt Orringer
Paul Schutt
Dr. Levi T. Thompson
Chris Vaughan
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