Total Assets: Not Available.
Total Giving: Not Available.
Not Available.
Proposals must be submitted in writing
Qualifying organizations must be nonprofit,
tax-exempt public organizations as defined in
section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.
509(a)(2) private foundations that provide
charitable activities and services may also qualify,
such as certain hospital or museum foundations.
Contributions must be deductible under
Sections 170(b) of the Internal Revenue Code.
Alyeska does not fund:
Gifts to individuals or organizations for the
benefit of one individual
Travel expenses
Programs that duplicate services provided
by existing organizations or that can be
addressed by existing agencies
Religious organizations that require
participation in religious services in order
to receive services
Political organizations or campaigns
Organizations that discriminate based on
marital status, race, creed, color, sex, gender
or national origin
Organizations located outside the state of
Alaska or do not have an Alaska-based chapter
Endowment requests
Alyeska does not accept form letters or telephone solicitation
Alyeska Pipeline Service Company makes charitable contributions to nonprofit organizations involved with workforce development, environmental stewardship, personal and community safety, education, youth development, and arts and culture. Special emphasis is directed toward programs that target underserved populations. Support is given primarily in areas of company operations in Alaska, with emphasis on Anchorage, Fairbanks and along the pipeline corridor, Valdez, and Prince William Sound.
Type of Grantmaker: Corporate giving program
Phone: (907) 787-8548
Email: [email protected]
P.O. Box 196660, MS 542
Anchorage, AK 99519-6660
Procedure: Proposals must be submitted in writing and contain all of the following:
1. Name, address, phone and e-mail of the organization and name of primary contact.
2. A copy of the organization’s tax ID number or letter from the IRS designation it as a tax-exempt organization
3. Total project cost plus the amount requested from Alyeska
4. A list of other funding commitments received to-date or expected
5. The geographic area and number of people served by the project
6. A list of Alyeska employees actively involved in the organization, if appropriate
7. A brief description including:
How the project meets Alyeska’s funding focus
What this project will accomplish and why it is important
How Alyeska’s funds will be used
How the project will be financed or sustained in the future, if applicable
How success will be measured
What, if any, collaborative efforts are involved
Thomas Barrett, President
Ed Hendrickson, Senior Vice President, Chief Financial Officer
SUSn Parkes, General Counsel, Vice President
Fred Millen, Director of Human Resources
Michelle Egan, Director of Corporate Communications
Mike Joynor, Senior Vice President, Operations Division
Tabetha Toloff, Alaska Native Program
Kim Kersten, Chief of Staff
Rod Hanson, Vice President, System Integrity, Engineering & Projects Division
Bhaskar Neogi, Senior Director of Risk & Compliance
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