Total Assets: $43,808,527
Total Giving: $7,150,337
Illinois, New Jersey, District of Colombia
The following grants were reported in 2013:
$55,000 to CHICAGO COALITION FOR THE HOMELESS for Community Development, payable over 1 year.
$15,000 to JEWISH UNITED FUND for religion, payable over 1 year.
$50,000 to CHICAGO YOUTH CENTER for social and human services, payable over 1 year.
$28,000 to JEWISH COUNCIL FOR YOUTH SERVICE for social and human services, payable over 1 year.
$20,000 to MAKE A WISH FOUNDATION for social and human services.
$12,500 to IMMACULATE CONCEPTION PARISH for religion.
Applications not accepted.
Giving primarily in Chicago, IL.
No grants to individuals.
Giving primarily for children and youth services; some giving also to religious and medical organizations.
Type of Grantmaker: Independent foundation
Trust established in 1945.
Illinois, New Jersey, District of Colombia
Phone: (312) 606-3209
Email: Not Available
c/o Joel M. Friedman
CHICAGO , Illinois 60661-4544
Contributes only to pre-selected organizations. Board meeting date(s): Annually
Alvin H. Baum
And members of the Baum family
Officers and Directors:
Joel M. Friedman, President
Ross Friedman, Vice President
Iris Friedman, Secretary
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