Total Assets: $10,081,073
Total Giving: $4,419,195
New York
Grants in 2017:
Action Medical Research For Children, $75,000
Brookings Institution, $13,000
American Museum of Natural History, $75,000
Sarcoma Foundation of America, $24,670
Women’s Refugee Commission, $25,000
Center for American Progress, $50,000
God’s Love We Deliver, $10,000
Little Sisters of the Poor, $20,000
The Partnership for Inner-City, $400,000
Next For Autism, $4,000
Contributes only to pre-selected organizations.
Giving primarily in NY.
No grants to individuals.
Giving primarily for arts and cultural programs, education, social services, and Roman Catholic churches.
Type of Grantmaker: Independent foundation
Established in 1996 in NY.
New York
Contributes only to pre-selected organizations.
363 Seventh Avenue – 13TH FL New York City, NY 10001
(212) 307-4800
Kazickas Family Foundation
Jurate Kazickas
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