Total Assets: $901,656
Total Giving: $33,000
Grants were reported in 2017:
Albert Lea – Freeborn County Chamber Foundation, $10,500
Salvation Army, $5,000
Riverland Community College, $3,000
Youth for Christ, $2,500
Freeborn County Historical Society, $2,000
Concordia University St. Paul, $1,000
University of Wisconsin River Falls FBO Kathryn Berge, $1,000
Augustana College, $1,000
Giving primarily in Albert Lea, MN.
The foundation Supports Christian agencies & churches,General charitable giving Human services,Youth,services.
Type of Grantmaker: Independent foundation
Established in MN.
Initial Approach: Letter
135 S. Broadway
Albert Lea, MN 56007-2545
Kevin Dulitz, Treasurer
Susie Petersen, Secretary
Henry Savelkoul
Donald Savelkoul
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