Total Assets: $ 1.5 billion
Total Giving: $25 million
East Africa
The following grants were reported in 2006:
$1.48 million to 400,000 people, including an estimated 110,000 pregnant women and children under 5 by delivering malaria prevention and education programs increasing access to ACTs, and promoting household ownership and proper use of ITNs.
Cross-cutting issues that are also addressed by the Foundation include Human Resource Development, Community Participation, Gender and Development and issues of the Environment. Seeking innovative approaches to generic problems, it tries to identify solutions that can be adapted to conditions in many different regions and replicated.
The Aga Khan provides the Foundation with regular funding for administration and new programme initiatives as well as contributions to its endowment. The Ismaili community contributes volunteer time, professional services and substantial financial resources. Other funding sources include income from investments and grants from government, institutional and private sector partners – as well as donations from individuals around the world.
Type of Grantmaker: Community Foundation Established in 1967.
East Africa
Phone: 91-11-23782173
Email: [email protected]
Sarojini House II Floor
6 Bhagwan Dass Road
New Delhi Pin: 110001-India
Applications should be made through the appropriate authority, usually the Ministry of Economic Affairs in the candidate’s home country.
The application form for most of the participating countries is available.
Officers and Directors:
Mr Vijay K. Sardana
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