Not Available
Georgia, Minnesota, Nebraska, New Mexico
The following grants were reported in recent years:
$500,000 to University Of Minnesota Foundation Digital Technology Center, Minneapolis, MN. For Digital technology center, payable over 1 year.
$35,665 to Community Health Charities, Bloomington, MN. For 2007 ADC foundation pledge, payable over 1 year.
$25,000 to American Red Cross, Minneapolis, MN. For Its telecommunications infrastructure upgrade, payable over 1 year.
$25,000 to Management Assistance Program For Nonprofits, St. Paul, MN. For Annual operating support / Technology services program, payable over 1 year.
$25,000 To URBAN VENTURES, MINNEAPOLIS, MN. For Learning lab equipment, payable over 1 year.
$22,152 to Voluntas Vincentians De Cd Juarez , A. C, Cd Juarez, Mexico. For 2007-2008 Scholarship program, payable over 1 year.
$20,000 to Akshara Foundation, Bangalore, India. For Accelerated mathematics program, payable over 1 year.
$19,222 to Foundation De Penthatietas Por Disciplina Y La Education A C, CD Juarez. For The purchase of biology lab materials and office equipment, payable over 1 year
Giving primarily in areas of company operations, with emphasis on Marietta, GA, the Twin Cities, MN, metropolitan area, Sidney, NE, Santa Teresa, NM, Berlin, Germany, Bangalore, India, Delicias and Juarez, Mexico, and Cheltenham, United Kingdom.
No support for private primary or secondary schools or religious organizations not of direct benefit to the entire community.
No grants to individuals (except for employee-related scholarships), or for environmental causes, health, general social services, general operating support, capital campaigns, or fundraising; no in-kind gifts.
The foundation supports organizations involved with mathematics and science education and nonprofit access to technology.
Type of Grantmaker: Company-sponsored foundation
Established in 1999 in MN.
Georgia, Minnesota, Nebraska, New Mexico
Phone: Not available.
Email: Not available.
P.O. Box 1101
Minneapolis, MN 55440-1101
Application form required. Applicants should submit the following:
Population served
Name, address and phone number of organization
Geographic area to be served
Detailed description of project and amount of funding requested
Initial approach: Complete online application form
Board meeting date(s): Quarterly
Deadline(s): None
Not Available
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