Financial Information

Total Assets: $5,517,824

Total Giving: $272,550

Area of Service:


Areas of Interest:

Not Available




The following grants were reported in 2013;
$10,000 to ENGLISH FOR NEW BOSTONIAN’S for Community development.
$10,000 to Youth Build Boston for Social and human services.
$10,000 to INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE OF NEW ENGLAND for Miscellaneous and Philanthropy.
$10,000 to RAISING A READER – MASSACHUSETTS for Education.
$10,000 to FAMILY AND CHILDREN’S SERVICES OF GREATER LYNN for social and human services.
$15,000 to YOUNG MENS CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION GREATER BOSTON for social and human services.
25,000 to COMBINED JEWISH for religion.


Giving limited to the metro Boston, MA, area, within Rte. 128.
No support for public schools, or for health programs, national organizations, municipal, state or federal agencies, or religious programs.
No grants to individuals, or for annual campaigns, general endowments, deficit financing, land acquisition, web sites, scientific or other research, publications, or conferences; no loans.


The foundation is committed to fostering economic and social justice for low- and moderate-income families residing in Boston, Massachusetts and surrounding communities. The foundation gives priority consideration to programs from the following fields of interest: education and training, and arts and culture. Support for programs that serve disadvantaged Jewish populations is also of special interest, provided that these programs are aligned with one or more of the foundation’s other fields of interest.


Type of Grantmaker: Independent foundation
Incorporated in 1916 in MA.

Quick Facts Sheet


Located in:



United States

Contact Information / Process

Phone: (617) 391-3092, ext. 323

Email: [email protected]

c/o Grants Mgmt. Assocs.
77 Summer St., 8th Fl.
Boston, MA 02110-1006

Associated Grant Makers (AGM) Common Proposal Summary Sheet required, and can be downloaded at www.agmconnect.org; do not submit proposals in folders, binders or report covers; e-mailed or faxed proposals not accepted. Please note that the foundation is no longer accepting applications in the area of child care. Application form required. Applicants should submit the following:
1. Copy of most recent annual report/audited financial statement/990
Initial approach: Proposal or telephone
Copies of proposal: 1
Board meeting date(s): May, Oct., and Jan.
Deadline(s): Feb. 1, July 1, and Oct. 1
Final notification: Following board meetings

Donors & Leadership

A.C. Ratshesky
And family

Officers and Trustees:
Timothy Morse, President
Laurie Morse Sprague, Vice President
Rebecca Morse Steinfield, Secretary
Linda G. Ortwein, Treasurer
Craig Levy
Roberta Morse Levy
Alan R. Morse, Jr.
Eric Robert Morse
Jennifer Morse



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